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Management by Predictions Blog



This Blog is about Managment by Predictions, a new way of managment where continuous participative forecasting is used to align an organisation's collective efforts for more agility, focus and productivity.

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Q1 Market Research Industry Growth - Copyright: Prediki

Big Data Promises Solid Growth for Market Research Industry

Vienna, 30 September 2016

The 2016 ESOMAR Prediction Market Report for Question #1, 'Big Data promises solid growth for Market Research Industry' Read more...

Switzerland Bollywood - Copyright: fair use

How To Attract Long-Haul Tourists

Vienna, 01 September 2016

For marketers, it is difficult enough to identify effective adverts. Unfortunately, even the best ad no longer guarantees success, as the communications landscape is changing rapidly. Read more...

Red Square w Vladimir - Copyright: Kremlin.ru

2016 Elections in Russia. Boring? Or Unfair?

Vienna, 29 August 2016

"The Most Boring Election of 2016“ was the title of a recent Bloomberg.com article for the parliamentary elections in Russia on 18 September. According to the article, the election will actually be a decided matter and critical opposition is being hindered in their participation. Read more...

ESOMAR Congress 2016 - Copyright: ESOMAR (fair use)

Predicting the Global Market Research Report of 2020

Vienna, 19 August 2016

At this year's key event for market researchers, the ESOMAR Congress in New Orleans, a "Prediction Wall" powered by Prediki will show a real-time consensus forecast of the industry's evolution until 2020. Read more...

Changing World - Copyright: Prediki

Bayesian Relief

Vienna, 20 July 2016

The ever accelerating rate of change in business and society is creating more and more challenges for researchers. Real-time prediction markets allow them to keep up with the faster pace and new requirements. Read more...

Corporate Innovators - Copyright: Prediki

Corporate Innovators' Risk Reward Dilemma

Vienna, 29 March 2016

Market leaders and incumbents not only have a problem with innovating their products. They also have a hard time to adopt innovative working methods, despite their better performance. Read more...

Morphing State - Copyright: Prediki

The Morphing State of Television's Political Predictions in Online News Links

Vienna, 30 November 2015

Minitrue, George Orwell's infamous Ministry of Truth from Nineteen-Eighty-Four would have been pleased. Read more...

Futility - Copyright: Prediki

Futility: A New Antidote Against Response Fraud

Vienna, 20 November 2015

Response fraud is a significant problem with traditional online questionnaire surveys. The consequential damages of ill-guided business decisions may well amount to several billion dollars each year. This is the third and final part of a mini-series about this inconspicuous cybercrime. Read more...

Bill Gates - Copyright: Prediki

An Urgent Warning for Bill Gates

Vienna, 1 October 2015

I have to get a warning to Bill Gates because I just listened to the 2015 winners of ESOMAR’s “Best Case History” award. How can I reach him? Let me tell you the story first, so you understand the urgency. Read more...

Pouring Coffee - Copyright: visionhelp.wordpress.com

New Qualitative: Tapping Crowd Intelligence For Advertising Efficiency

Vienna, 1 September 2015

A modern methodology fully integrates quantitative and qualitative research. You can glean the reasons behind numbers, and put a number on respondents' reasoning. Read more...

Swiss Federal Assembly - Copyright: Wikipedia Foundation

Swiss Democracy Needs to Catch Up to Internet Age

Vienna, 22 August 2015

As a direct democracy the Swiss government employs many tools to find the public's opinion. Some of these tools, however, are getting outdated. Read more...

Wolf & Sheep - Copyright:

How To Detect Response Fraudsters

Vienna, 14 August 2015

Response fraud may be a big problem for the market research industry. So how can you recognise if some expensive research results should better go into the bin rather than on the decision maker’s desk? Read more...

Heracles & the Hydra - Copyright:

Response Fraud in Market Research: How Bad Is It?

Vienna, 5 July 2015

Response fraud is a nuisance for the steadily growing online portion of market research. Fraudsters participate in online surveys to get the monetary incentive offered for their time without providing genuine answers. Read more...

Concept - Copyright:Prediki

Why "The Prediction Markets" did not get the UK Election Wrong

Vienna, 12 May 2015

Prediction markets are an often misunderstood mechanism, so when even leading market researchers inadvertently lump prediction markets together with betting exchanges, it is high time for a clarification. Read more...

New Perspective - Copyright:

A New Perspective on Survey Distortions

Vienna, 8 April 2015

If you produce or use market research you are probably aware of the manifold possible mistakes and some techniques to avoid them. This piece will show that these issues are more fundamental in their nature than meets the eye. Read more...

Liar - Copyright:

Liar, Liar: Who Still Believes in Surveys?

Vienna, 15 February 2015

These days there are many issues surrounding biases of respondents and their often mindless checkbox-ticking. This article will show some of the bigger flaws of traditional surveys. Read more...

ESOMAR Congress 2014 Material - Copyright: ESOMAR

Prediction markets dazzle audience at ESOMAR Congress

Vienna, 12 September 2014

The audience’s top rating of our joint presentation with GMI/Lightspeed "Predicting the Future" at the ESOMAR Congress 2014 shows Market Researchers' increasing awareness of the power of prediction markets.

We first showed the pitfalls of asking predictive questions in traditional surveys and then gave a live demonstration how a prediction market solves these problems. Read more ...

Strategieumsetzung  - Copyright: François Philipp/Wikimedia Commons

Agile strategy implementation with prediction markets

Vienna, 05 February 2014

As an executive, would it not be great for you to have a clear indicator of the likelihood of reaching your strategic goals? And if this indicator reacted in real-time to new information and tactical changes?

With Prediki’s new take on prediction markets, this is now possible. Read more ...

Project Management - Copyright: Wikipedia Commons

Project Management by Predictions - A First Experiment

Vienna, 4 Oct 2013

As information technology becomes more and more strategic in the age of the internet, companies are increasingly impacted by their ability of finishing IT projects on time. Delays will domino into consequential damages for the entire company.

Here is the story how Management by Predictions showed its first promise to improve IT project management. Read more ...

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